It's been a long time coming: the end all to be all, the final fight, the argument, and it's never felt more real.
It doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel good. Knowing that you're there, living your life and I'm here living mine in a parallel formation just doesn't seem natural.
I've been thinking about it for some time and it's really an issue of thinking hard about what's more important ego or friendship. I'm no angel, I'm not saying I am. I'm not placing any blame, I just think that it's things like this that make you step back and look at your life and see how small of an issue some issues really are. This is the epitamy of cliches but if you died tomorrow (not that I'd ever wish that in a million years) I would feel horrible knowing that you didn't die as my best friend.
This is me swallowing my pride, this is me needing you back in my life.
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