Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So, I woke up today pretty content; feeling good and whatnot. I dressed nicely and felt really, really good about myself. Class didn't start until 2:30 this afternoon so I took my time and headed out the door. Little did I know that today would be chock full of bullshit.

A) I got a long message from you that I wasn't quite prepared for. I will reply, I just need to get my head on straight before I do so.

B) I was pulled aside in magazine class twice: once by the execs and once by my prof only to be told that my story would not be running in the physical magazine. I was fighting back tears and I felt like an idiot so I just shut down and resorted to my robotic, non-feeling ways.

C) After I was told that, I began to stress about the rest of my academic career and came to the realization that I am failing the only class that is a pre-requisite for next year. No, it doesn't matter that I have high 80's and 90's in every one of my other classes - of course not. My final year of college is in jeopardy because of one stupid class.

D) We talked about internships today and our prof said that some publications begin interviews this April. Was I prepared for this either? No but again, me doing my internship next fall rides on me passing this fucking course.

E) I'm a little behind in the course that I'm failing so, in attempts of catching up, I brought all my camera equipment to school to cover the art show. Upon getting down to the gallery at 7:30, it was dead and I didn't find out until after that the show ended at 7:30, when I thought it began at 7:30

It's been a long day and I'm breaking down.

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